My friend, colleague and seminary classmate John McCullough-Bade was a bright and soulful person. I never once heard an unkind or angry, come from his mouth.

John Randolph Bade passed away on March 2. John was born on December 3, 1957 in Cuero, Texas, the sixth child of Heine and Frieda Bade. He was baptized at Zion Lutheran in Arneckeville, Texas and confirmed at St. Mark Lutheran in Cuero, Texas. He received a BA from Texas Lutheran College (now TLU) in 1979. He was a lay associate at Palm Valley Lutheran in Round Rock, Texas, and an intern at Christ Lutheran in Downey, California. John received his MDiv from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio in 1986.

John was the pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas, and then served as campus pastor at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin. In 1993, he took a call to St. Paul in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He served on the LSSS board and worked with the Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge.

John fought the good fight against Parkinson’s Disease for over 26 years and provided hope to those who daily face adversity. He also helped create Movers and Shakers, a local Parkinson’s support group. John wrote many articles and books, including, “Will I Sing Again? Listening for the Melody of Grace in the Silence of Illness and Loss”.

John is survived by his loving wife, Pastor Robin McCullough-Bade, his son Michael John Bade and fiancée Alisha Rosa, siblings Lawrence Bade (Sharon), David Bade (Linda), Margaret Drushel (Roger), Lois Tolbert (Butch), as well as sisters-in-law Karen Higgins, Ellen Brabson (John), and Claudia Bade. John was a beloved uncle to many nieces and nephews.

Because John hails from Texas but lives in Louisiana, observances were held in both places.

A memorial service was held Saturday, March 5 at 10:30 am at Broadmoor United Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, followed by a reception at St. Paul Lutheran in Baton Rouge. Rostered leaders were invited to vest in white. Pastor Mike Button presided. John’s friend, The Rev. Jeff Day preached.


A funeral was held on Tuesday, March 8 at 10:30 am at St. Mark Lutheran in Cuero, Texas with burial following the service at Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery in Arneckeville, Texas. Rostered leaders vested and processed. Pastor Stan Meyer presided. I preached.

St. Mark’s in Cuero:


Assistant to the Bishop Peggy Hahn, AIM and I  prepare to give John a soulful sending.

A dozen area clergy attended, including another one of John’s seminary classmates, Pastor David Collins.

The Rev. Stan Meyer presided.

I pray that now John knows the perfect healing that only comes in the arms of God’s amazing grace.

Click this link for the 03-08-08 Bade Funeral Sermon.